
Toll Automation Using ANPR

Q1. What is ANPR technique?

Ans.: ANPR is the short form for Automatic Number Plate Recognition. ANPR is an image processing based automatic number plate recognition system used to identify vehicles by only their license numbers on plate. The ANPR system consists of the following three steps: Extraction of plate region, character segmentation, and character recognition. The main aim of the system is to replace the manual systems with an automated system with proper identification and localization of the number plate information.

Q2. How Toll Automation use ANPR?

Ans.: ANPR recognizes the number of vehicles passing on the toll roads, the accurate vehicle number after all verification passes to toll payment system. The calculated toll charges will be debited from wallet or bank account linked to vehicle number.

Q3. How toll collection system will work using ANPR?

Ans.: This toll collection system will use a blended software-hardware system which recognizes a license plate automatically and toll collection is done without manual system.
The ANPR system consist of high resolution cameras, installed at entry of toll road and exit of toll roads. The process of number recognition works as Capturing Image – Grayscale Conversion – Median Filtering – Plate region extraction using smearing algorithm – Segmentation using bounding box method – OCR for character recognition – Text processing via template matching.